My recollection is that Doc used to take the following attitude with us: you are here, at this wonderful school, because I have chosen you to be here. I have chosen you because I see in you something that others have not yet seen, which is that you have within you a potential for greatness, for making a contribution that will improve you and your surroundings, by which I mean the larger society. Now I have convinced the ISS board that I am right about your future potential, if we nurture it, which we know how to do in this learning-through-living experiment that you will be allowed to participate in. Those board members trust my judgement enough to be willing to invest their money in your education. Yes, your parents pay a part of the cost, but the board pays an equal amount or more, so that we can give you special experiences, special opportunities, that other youngsters may not be privileged to receive.
Now you understand that when people invest their money in your education, they are doing it for a reason. They are doing it because they believe you are someone who can rise to the challenge, who can be counted on to exercise self-control, who can be counted on to follow the rules that you yourself have helped to create, so that we can operate an orderly school in which the work that we need to do with you will be able to get done for your benefit. This means you understand the importance of getting proper sleep, proper food, of being where you're expected to be when you're expected to be there, and being mentally alert to your full extent.
It means that you are a person who is willing to pitch in and do your share of the work of operating this campus in a safe and humane way. You are willing to take your turn at waiting tables and to accept duties for looking out after the safety and welfare of your fellow students, such as performing lifeguard duties or learning to operate our fire-fighting equipment. You are willing to clean your dorm room and make up your bed. You are willing to do your class assignments yourself without attempting to cheat. You are willing to accept advice and discipline when it is judged to be warranted, though you will have a right of appeal.
Now we think this is indeed the type of person you are. So you must not prove us wrong. We will have to make a decision next summer about whether to continue your invitation to be a student at Indian Springs.
Isn't this about the way he did it? Maybe not in so many words, but at least subliminally?