We make no attempt to mold students according to a preconceived pattern. Rather, our concern is to assist each in attaining his full potential as a person and in developing a greater degree of self awareness and sensitivity for others.
Dr. Joe L. Jackson
Former Director
Indian Springs meant learning to discipline myself. It taught me to recognize that I alone am responsible for my actions and to put such recognition to work in society.
Robert S. Winslow, Jr. '60
The people at Indian Springs make this place unique. There is no conformist attitude here. We are all individuals, with our own ways of thinking and our own approaches to life.
Lauren Convey '88
Indian Springs is recognized for its emphasis on developing one's capabilities and talents to the fullest, on being an individual, on realizing one's weaknesses and not withdrawing because of them. Indian Springs prepares students for the roles they are to play in a rapidly changing world -- to have the ability to study a problem, reach a decision, and act responsibly.
Dr. John W. Poynor '58
Indian Springs natural surroundings make it special. The grounds are beautiful, and the opportunities we have to walk around the lake or through the woods add a lot to life at the school.
Joanna Roy '88
Indian Springs is unique in its close proximity to nature -- which sometimes means getting wet between classes.
Dr. Thomas G. Lamkin '58
The campus has an atmosphere all its own. It's unique and really similar to college. It's very open and "back to nature."
Kyung In Han '85
We must allow ourselves whatever time it takes to move from where we are to where we want to go. The only essential is that we make conscious decisions and support these with responsible behavior.
Dr. Louis Armstrong
Director 1952-1972
The best thing about this school are our freedoms, the emphasis on individuality, and the relaxed atmosphere.
Eve Herring '85
You study a lot, but you play a lot, too, especially if you are a boarding student. If you live out here, any time you're not studying you're playing.
Sanjay Khare '85
Indian Springs is tough, but you adjust and you're not constantly aware of academics. It just becomes the norm to work really hard and produce excellent results.
Susan Dixon '85
Since I like learning, I like Indian Springs a lot, because it is a challenge. I had a lot of classes that were really difficult for me, but I liked it.
Dirk Bonekamper
German exchange student
My kids (a junior and an 8th grader) both think they've died and gone to heaven. I don't quite understand that because a lot of times they have so much work to do that there seems to be absolutely no way to do it. But, that doesn't diminish their love for Indian Springs.
Hardy Meade '58