MacDonald B. Fleming
- B.A. Presbyterian College
- M.A. Peabody College
- (Doctoral studies: Peabody College)
MacDonald Fleming teaches American
Government to seniors. Having taught at Springs since its opening,
Mr. Fleming went into semi-retirement at the end of the '93-'94 school
year. However, shortly he returned on a limited basis and still teaches History as of fall of 2003.
Student's comments:
- This man knows everything. Ask him about any subject and he will prove
to you that he could be the most well-read person ever to grace the
- 60 years old and still a wonderful teacher who really enjoys his students.
An authentic Southern gentleman. [This student's comment on Mr. Fleming's age now errs
by about a decade. -ed.]
- If you want to know anything about American History or Indian Springs,
he is the man to ask.